Nice Classification
Filing System
Multi Class
Convention Priority
Time to Registration
6-12 months
Use Requirement
3 years consecutive years
PCT member
The Head of the Bureau for Industrial Property is currently not accepting any patent applications. Therefore it is not possible, at this time, to register a patent in Suriname.
Convention Priority
The Head of the Bureau for Industrial Property is currently not accepting any patent applications. Therefore it is not possible, at this time, to register a patent in Suriname.
Time to Registration
The Head of the Bureau for Industrial Property is currently not accepting any patent applications. Therefore it is not possible, at this time, to register a patent in Suriname.
Examination Request
The Head of the Bureau for Industrial Property is currently not accepting any patent applications. Therefore it is not possible, at this time, to register a patent in Suriname.
Hague Member
Convention Priority
Time to Registration
The country hasn’t been legally developed and hasn’t been used industrial designs
Renewal Fees
The country hasn’t been legally developed and hasn’t been used industrial designs
about Suriname
Due to the strong Indian influence on local culture, there are holidays such as the Indian Immigration Day and Holi (the Festival of Colours, in which people throw paint together to celebrate the beginning of spring).
The official language of Suriname is Dutch. Along with Dutch, it has many recognized regional languages, like Hindi.
The year has two wet seasons, from April to August and from November to February. It also has two dry seasons, from August to November and February to April.
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