Nice Classification
Filing System
Single Class
Convention Priority
Time to Registration
4-6 months
Use Requirement
5 years after registration
PCT member
Convention Priority
Not Applicable
Time to Registration
6 months
Examination Request
Hague Member
There is no means of obtaining design protection in Turks and Caicos
Convention Priority
There is no means of obtaining design protection in Turks and Caicos
Time to Registration
There is no means of obtaining design protection in Turks and Caicos
Renewal Fees
There is no means of obtaining design protection in Turks and Caicos
about Turks and Caicos Islands
There are no lakes or rivers in Turks and Caicos.
They have an "ambassador" dolphin, called JoJo, an Atlantic Bottlenose who visited the Islands for thirty years, one of a rare handful of dolphins around the world who voluntarily interacts with human beings in the wild.
The Turks and Caicos flag features three common elements from the islands: a conch shell, a spiny lobster, and Turks Head cactus.
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