Nice Classification

Filing System
Single Class

Convention Priority
Not applicable

Time to Registration
12 months

Use Requirement
5 years after application

PCT member
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the U.S.A

Convention Priority
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the U.S.A

Time to Registration
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the U.S.A

Examination Request
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the U.S.A

Hague Member
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the USA

Convention Priority
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the USA

Time to Registration
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the USA

Renewal Fees
Puerto Rico patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the USA

about Puerto Rico

Bomba, plena and trova music can be heard throughout the streets of Puerto Rico during parties and celebrations. Merengue music and dancing is also popular.

Baseball was one of the first sports to gain widespread popularity in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Baseball League serves as the only active professional league, operating as a winter league.

The architecture of Puerto Rico demonstrates a broad variety of traditions, styles and national influences accumulated over four centuries of Spanish rule, and a century of American rule.