Automatically covered by a US resgistration
Filing System
Automatically covered by a US resgistration
Convention Priority
Automatically covered by a US resgistration
Time to Registration
Automatically covered by a US resgistration
Use Requirement
Automatically covered by a US resgistration
PCT member
For patent protection in the U.S Virgin Islands, the applications are filed in the United States
Convention Priority
For patent protection in the U.S Virgin Islands, the applications are filed in the United States
Time to Registration
For patent protection in the U.S Virgin Islands, the applications are filed in the United States
Examination Request
For patent protection in the U.S Virgin Islands, the applications are filed in the United States
Hague Member
Convention Priority
Time to Registration
The country hasn’t been legally developed and hasn’t been used industrial designs
Renewal Fees
The country hasn’t been legally developed and hasn’t been used industrial designs
about U.S. Virgin Islands
There’s an Underwater National Park off the coast of St. John, which is considered one of the best places to snorkel in the Caribbean, and is marked with underwater signs.
The official music is called quelbe. The quelbe bands use improvised music instruments such as washboards and gourds to create their own original sound.
Souse, a stew served at all festivities, is made of a pig's head, tail, and feet and flavored with lime juice.
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