Nice Classification

Filing System
Multi Class

Convention Priority

Time to Registration
4 months

Use Requirement
5 years after registration

PCT member
Curacao patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands

Convention Priority
Curacao patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands

Time to Registration
Curacao patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands

Examination Request
Curacao patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands

Hague Member
Curacao does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Convention Priority
Curacao does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Time to Registration
Curacao does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Renewal Fees
Curacao does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

about Curacao

The word Dushi has a variety of meanings: from sweetheart to tasty, beautiful, nice or good. The word is so popular that it was turned into a piece of art in Willemstad.

Tap water is distilled directly from the sea and is completely safe to drink.

The only place where you can get the real Blue Curacao, is on the island of Curacao and a select amount of stores in the USA.