Nice Classification

Filing System
Multi Class

Convention Priority

Time to Registration
6 months

Use Requirement
5 years after registration

PCT member
St Maarten patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands.

Convention Priority
St Maarten patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands.

Time to Registration
St Maarten patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands.

Examination Request
St Maarten patents will have to be filed with the Patent Office in the Netherlands.

Hague Member
St. Maarten does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Convention Priority
St. Maarten does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Time to Registration
St. Maarten does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

Renewal Fees
St. Maarten does not have specific laws for the protection of industrial designs

about Saint Martin and Sint Maarten

The southern part of the island, the "Dutch side" is officially known as Sint Maarten and the northern part of the island is the French side and is known as Saint Martin.

Princess Juliana International Airport in the Dutch side has a thrilling approach over Maho Beach and airplanes fly a few meters over the heads of beach-goers.

The island of St. Martin is also known as Soualiga (Land of Salt) because of its salt-pans.