Nice Classification

Filing System
Multi Class

Convention Priority
Not applicable

Time to Registration
2 months

PCT member

Convention Priority
Not Applicable

Time to Registration
1 month

Examination Request

Hague Member
Designs that are registered in the UK are automatically extended to the Cayman Islands

Convention Priority
Designs that are registered in the UK are automatically extended to the Cayman Islands

Time to Registration
Designs that are registered in the UK are automatically extended to the Cayman Islands

Renewal Fees
Designs that are registered in the UK are automatically extended to the Cayman Islands

about Cayman Islands

Orlando Bloom starred in a 2006 film about the Cayman Islands titled "Haven." It was made by the Caymanian director Frank E. Flowers, and shot primarily in West Bay on Grand Cayman.

Contrary to its name, Seven Mile Beach is actually 5.5 miles long.

One of Grand Cayman's main attractions is Seven Mile Beach, site of a number of the island's hotels and resorts.